Learn about verified businesses

To help you choose the best company for your job, we use a 3-step verification process to award businesses different badges for their profiles.

We strive to provide you with quality reporting on the businesses registered on our platform so you can pick the best provider for your project.
Businesses can earn different badges to display:
  • Next to their name in the directory
  • On their profile
They way we encourage you who to hire a business is through our 3 step verification process. We award businesses with our verified, trusted or recommended badge through the following steps:

The different badges include:
     Verified business
    Trusted business
  Recommended business

A recommended business on Service.com.au is the top badge on our site. They have been verified by our team and are considered by us to be the most trusted and reliable.
As a benefit for businesses and customers alike, we encourage providers to get as many badges as possible.
Apart from identifying the businesses badge status, we encourage you to use past customer reviews displayed on each businesses listing, to make an informed decision before selecting who is best to carry out your next project. It's always in the best interest of our listed businesses to provide the best quality work possible to receive positive reviews and grow their business online.