Update your password

The system automatically generates and emails you a password when you first post a job on our site. You can also update your password after logging into your account.

Accessing your password

When you post your first job on our site, a password will be automatically created for you and emailed to the address you use for your job posting. 

If you don't see the system-generated password in your inbox, check your spam folder.

Reset or change your password

  1. Go to the Service.com.au website and click the "Sign in" link in the top right corner.
  2. Enter your email address and password, and click "Sign in."
  3. Click the menu button at the top and select "Account."
  4. On your Account Settings page, click "Security & Privacy."
  5. Use the form to enter your current password and set and confirm your new password.  (Make sure to follow the password requirements listed at the bottom of the page.)

  6. Click "Submit."